1 اقتصاد:: اقتصاد سرمایه داری، اقتصاد سرمایهداری
It is possible to discern a gradual shift of emphasis in our classic theorists' analyses of the capitalist economy. Taking these accounts as a whole we can identify three fundamental elements, or institutional clusters, of the capitalist economy: Decisions about pro- duction and distribution of goods and services in the market capitalist economy are taken on the basis of an economic rationality - that is, costs of production and relative prices. Second, the market and other ba- sic elements of the capitalist economy are not self-reproducing or self-regulating - that is to say, Smith's 'perfect liberty' of freely contracted exchange relations did not emerge spontaneously. In simple terms and notwithstanding considerable variations between different countries and across time, relationships between the state and the structurally distinct market capitalist economy are the outcome of the mutual accommodation between the emerging capitalist bourgeoisie and the early modern state, described by Weber as the 'memorable alliance' (see pp. 32-4).،did grow faster than capitalist economies. capitalist economy can thrive without growth. shows that capitalist economies are anything but In most capitalist economies, the private domain - particularly serious crises in capitalist economies in the latter
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